This game, which has withstanded the test of time, has survived by developing its fundamentals on classic and modern forms but never, as in this case, has combined materials such as gold / silver, plexiglass and swarovski. This ambition stems from the requirement to coexist, this version of this extraordinary game, within an already structured environment and become a part of furniture that enables it to fully integrate and become the protagonist thanks to its style and shine.
Upon immediate inspection you notice, the gold and silver applications are applied below the upper resting surface in order to give an effect of incredible depth of each individual house.
Each individual piece is treated manually: setting, polishing and satin finishing: the screws designed to join the plan and the 8 supports are finely worked: in the version with 24kt gold leaf houses a galvanic treatment is carried out to the screws which covers them totally with a thickness of 24kt gold.
In the silver version as well, they are polished and each of them is embellished with a crystal.
The chessboard is kept inside a package completely made of transparent plexiglass which reveals the contents in every detail.
In removing the lid, which is fixed by means of small black knobs, which in each is set a swarovski crystal, this leads to the case interior within which the perfectly housed top is immediately visible. once raised, the 32 pieces are placed in special perfectly shaped housing, which guarantees a perfect preservation of each of them, thanks to the white satin fabric, gives a fluid and sinuous movement, that covers both the support surface of the checkerboard plane and the seat of each individual chess piece.
On the lid, moreover, a space has been prepared useful for the application of a customizable plate, in the unmistakable Luxury Forty-FiveĀ® style, on which to report dedications.
Nothing is left to chance and even the creation of a case designed to contain a chessboard becomes, as if by magic, an opportunity to create a fantastic design object with unique transparencies, where every detail is the result of a careful study of materials and shapes.
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